An air conditioner works harder the hotter it is outside, and on humid days, the workload gets even heavier. Keeping the air conditioner working efficiently as it takes a heavier burden is important. Calling ahead of time for an AC tune-up in Visalia CA can help keep the unit from overworking despite the hot summer workload.
Heat vs. cold
An air conditioner cools the air it pulls from the outside while expelling the hot air from inside the house. This means the hotter it is outside, the harder the AC works, because there is more heat coming into the home and the outdoor air is even hotter. It also means the AC works harder when it starts up. In the simplest terms, the hotter it is outside, the more work the AC has to do. This is obvious, but the wear and tear on the unit may not be. An AC is made to cool homes during hot days, but keeping your air conditioner in working condition means understanding the degradation happening to the unit. Hotter weather means more work for the AC, so after a heat wave, checking the unit or getting an AC tune-up in Visalia, CA may be a smart idea to keep the unit from breaking down.
Humidity is not your friend
It’s not just heat that affects the AC’s workload. High humidity also increases the amount of effort the AC has to put in to cool the home. Air conditioners have to remove the excess moisture when they’re cooling the air. Some air conditioners may not have the cooling capacity to handle the high humidity. This means the home won’t be as cool. Even if it doesn’t feel hot outside, the AC may be working harder than it seems because of humidity. So in addition to getting an AC tune-up in Visalia, CA after a heat wave, your AC should also be checked after especially humid weather.
Maintain the AC
An air conditioner is made to take the wear and tear of hot days, but it requires regular maintenance to do so. Without proper maintenance, the AC can wear down quicker. Like all mechanical equipment, the longer a unit goes without an AC tune-up in Visalia, CA, the higher the chance of a breakdown. An experienced air conditioning service in Visalia, CA can help explain how to properly clean and maintain an AC. An AC tune-up in Visalia, CA can also keep the unit in tip-top shape to efficiently cool your home.
McGee Refrigeration is a family-owned business that specializes in heating and air conditioning service. We’ve been in business for more than 30 years and are an experienced air conditioning service in Visalia, CA. We can offer free estimates and service agreement discounts. Our excellent staff is always ready and willing to answer any and all questions you may have. If you give us a call, we’ll help you out with all your air conditioning needs. Get in touch today to learn more or schedule a visit!